Scientiae 2020: Amsterdam (cancelled due to COVID-19)

The Scientiae Conference that was going to take place 3–6 June 2020 at the University of Amsterdam was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The abstracts of the individual papers, panels, roundtables and workshops that were accepted for the conference can be found on this page. There is an overview of the individual participants and their paper titles, arranged in thematic clusters, and two documents containing the abstracts of the individual papers and the panels, roundtables and workshops that were accepted (both in alphabetical order). These documents are fully searchable (use ctrl-f to do so). The majority of the 2020 participants presented their papers at the 2021 conference. For more information on this event, have a look at the Scientiae Online Conference 2021 page.

Names of participants and titles of the Papers that were accepted

Abstracts of the accepted Papers

Abstracts of the accepted Panels and Workshops

3-6 June 2020

Amsterdam, the Netherlands