Scientiae 2021: Virtual Conference

Keynotes: Sven Dupré (Amsterdam, Utrecht) and Florike Egmond (Leiden)

The ninth Scientiae conference took place online 9–12 June 2021. In 2020, the conference was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, due to the same pandemic, we organized our first virtual conference. The program brought together the best of many worlds, including two great keynote lectures, by Sven Dupré and Florike Egmond, a plenary roundtable with ‘object lessons’, and a virtual social event; besides a workshop, three more roundtables and 32 panels on wide ranging, fascinating topics in the history of knowledge.

The conference was organized by Djoeke van Netten (University of Amsterdam) and Karen Hollewand (University of Utrecht).

To find out more about the conference, have a look at our printed programme.

9–12 June 2021
